The York School

York School - 1907 to 1915

School District #38 of Bingham County - 1907 to 1911

School District #38 of Bonneville County - 1911 to 1915

Teachers during this period were as follows:

1907 to 1909 Horatio Cole, who was paid $50 per month and taught over 40 students.

1909 to 1910 Miss Winifred Dennis. There was probably another teacher since records show 66 students. We also assume there are now eight grades.

1910 to 1911 Alice Ballantyne taught the lower grades and was paid $65 per month. Cora Shelman taught the upper grades and was paid $75 per month. There were about 35 students with each teacher.

1911 to 1912 No record of the teachers' names.

1912 to 1913 Mary Donahue taught 42 in the lower grades at $70 per month. J. W. Scott taught 38 in the upper grades at $80 per month.

1913 to 1914 Cora Quibell taught the lower grades. No record of the other teacher.

1914 to 1915 Leona Officer taught the lower or primary grades. William A. Crowder taught the upper grades.

The only holidays taken were two days for Thanksgiving and one day for Christmas. School was not let out for the fair. Sometimes there was no school during "Teachers' Institute". Mr. Cole notes many absences of students for "work" and sickness. He noted that five Guterjohn children, ages 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13, had the measles and were out for three weeks at Christmas time in 1907.

In April, 1909, the School Board voted to paint the outside of the school, build a shed for about 10 horses, build walks to the outhouses and have the yard leveled.

In April, 1910, a bond election for $2,500 was held to build an addition onto the school and install a heating plant. Eight votes were cast, all in favor.

The principal or upper grade teacher now filled out a Term Report at the end of the school year. Mr. Scott commented in 1913 that the school was well lighted and ventilated, but the heating plant should be perfected. William Crowder commented in 1915 that the school grounds were cleaned and leveled; basketball and baseball outfits were provided. He also said the school urgently needed new maps, better blackboards and a drinking fountain, and the heating was only fair.

In these early years, the teachers boarded with different families. Horatio Cole lived with the Seyfert family, but most of them stayed with the Ainsworth family just west of the school.

Students during this time remember a Christmas program each year and a picnic at the end of school either in the yard or at Tautphaus Park. Diplomas were given to eighth grade graduates.

Of course, there was no electricity; coal oil lamps were used, and they carried their water in a bucket for drinking. Everyone brought lunches. After the basketball hoops were put up, the older girls played basketball, and the boys played baseball or marbles at noon.

The children walked or rode horses to school. Their fathers or neighbors also brought them to school in sleighs. There were very few absences because of snow or bad weather. The teachers sometimes used buggys.


The York School

A History of the York School
1899 TO 1907
The beginning
1899 to 1907
1907 to 1915
A new County
1915 to 1923
World War I
1923 to 1931
Grange organized
1931 to 1939
A new building
1939 to 1947
World War II
1947 to 1955
Districts consolidated
1955 to 1963
Hot lunches and a PTO
1963 to 1970
The last years of "regular school"
In Closing
Discussion and Credits